Shop Google Play on the web. Purchase and enjoy instantly on your Android phone or tablet without the hassle of syncing.Aplikasi android Kitab Shahih
Google play on the web. Purchase and enjoy instantly on your Android phone or tablet without the hassle of syncing.
Android application of Kitab Shahih Muslim . The author of Kitab Shahih Muslim is Al-Imam Abul Husain Muslim bin Al-Hajjaj bin Muslim bin Kausyaz al-Qusyairi An-Naisaburi. Born in Naisaburi, an area in Usbekistan, Central Asia, in 204 H and died in 261 H. He studied religion since childhood and famous for the nature of tawadhu 'and wara'.
Kitab Shahih Muslim is named by the author with al-Musnad al-Shahih. Hadith has included traditions in various religious fields such as: faith, law, morals, interpretations, sirah, and others. Therefore, the scholars call this Muslim book with the book of al-Jami '.